Sunday, May 16, 2010


I ran my first 5K today! Now I am going to warn everyone that I am not a runner but my uncle has colon cancer and did not find it in time and was diagnosed about a year ago. They didn't give him long as the cancer has spread to his liver and lungs but he is going to chemo and continues to work. He is such a role model and I hope he continues to win the fight. At Easter he got his blood work back and the numbers were the best they have ever been. So I decided then if he can go through all that with an amazing attitude I could run it this year! I didnt quite run the whole thing but tried my best and it was a beautiful day with a great group of people!

Colon cancer is highly treatable. If it is found in its earliest stages, the 5-year survival rate is 90%.



  1. That is awesome that you ran the 5K in honor of your uncle, I'm sure he appreciates your support.

    I'm signed up for a 5K on Saturday, I won't lie, I can't run, but I'll finish it and do my best!

  2. so inspiring! your uncle and your family are in my prayers!

  3. Good for you! No one cares if you go fast or not. At least I don't care. I'm always happy to finish and maybe improve just a bit if I can from my last time. Otherwise, I couldn't care less. I think it's great that you ran this in support of your uncle - you're a great person.

  4. Congrats!! How awesome to run in support of your uncle!

  5. Congrats!! Woot Woot! Good for you. I'll add your Uncle to my prayer list. LOVE your blog...looking forward to reading more... from your new blog fan in California, Katie

  6. Not a runner? Whatever! you got out there an RAN, didn't you? and for what an amazing cause, my hubs grandpa has this as well.

  7. Kudos to you for doing this run and for such a good cause. You also had a great reason to do it. That is also positive news about your uncle and I wish him the best.

    I’m really glad I found your blog!

  8. It sounds like your Uncle is a real fighter! Congrats on the 5k.

  9. So glad (one of) you stopped by my blog and congrats on running the 5k, this is something I hope to do soon if I can ever get the motivation!

  10. Yay! Congrats on your first 5K! What a great accomplishment for a great reason!

  11. That's awesome! your awesome for running it! good job, you should be proud of yourself.

  12. How cute is this blog and y'all?! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Congrats on running your first 5k! That is awesome!

  13. Hey there, I got your comment. And amnow following you too. Great blog. YOu two seem so sweet xxx

  14. I'm sorry about your uncle. I have an aunt that's been battling breast cancer for years now. I know how scary it can be to think that you might lose this person you love. Good job running the 5k!

  15. What a wonderful way to show your support for your uncle & others that are fighting this battle. Ya for you hun!

  16. I wish you good luck Sara, and I hope you uncle can win his battle against cancer :)


  17. Oh Sara - such an amazing attitude! Congratulations and the 5k and let me just say that you are an absolute inspiration!

  18. Wow. Great job! I'm not a runner either. I wish I was because all the runners I know are super skinny. So sorry about your uncle.

  19. Awesome! Congrats on the race! I'm glad to hear your Uncle's chemo is working, I hope it continues to do so. I am running my first 5k next month. Aaah. I'm not a runner either, but I'm kind of getting into it so who knows. First, a 5k, and then...Boston Marathon??

  20. I love the name of the run:) Congrats on your first 5K, isn't it such a feeling of accomplishment?!
