Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"Urkel-ing"- Harassment or Genius

On the radio they were talking about this High School that takes plastic zip ties and uses them to tie up pants on boys who have them sagging down showing their rear. They then take their picture and put it up on the Urkel Wall. Some people were calling in and really angry about it, calling it bullying. Others were saying that parents are not involved enough in their children's discipline that a lot more than ever is being left up to the teachers and that what other student's think of them is huge making it hugely effective in sending a message.

For me, I don't have children nor am I an educator so I can't really say in a very informed way, but I imagine that as long as my child wasn't being harmed I would have to trust the administration to do whatever they feel is most effective. I also think the pants down under the a** is ridic and that it is kind of funny that they are doing this now.



  1. I think it's a good thing the school is doing. There are too many cases where kids leave the house and then hike up the skirt or yank the jeans down a bit. Parents and teachers are supposed to work together and a dress code is a dress code. I'm glad to see a school doing something about the guys because majority of the time the focus is on the girls. I think parents need to stop making excuses for their kids.

  2. One of my high school's principals used zip ties. There wasn't any picture taking, but he would go around and check later in the day, and if he caught someone who'd cut the tie off, he would redo it and they would get detention. The guys didn't really change what they were doing, but they would pull their pants up whenever he was around.

  3. Great idea. How do we educate and teach kids, when we tie the hands of the administration? Either we trust them or we don't, and if we don't then it's our fault for sending them to the school. Too many whining parents who plant a rotten tree and then harvest rotten fruit, then blame the person in charge of pruning.

  4. I love this idea! Not only are pants below the rear inappropriate for school, but it looks awful too. So, in the name of fashion, I'm a supporter of the Urkel wall.

  5. I heard this on the radio this morning too. I think it is hilarious, but then again I am sure if it was happening to me or my kid, I would probably think differently.

  6. I hadn't heard of this happening but I think it's a mixture of bad parenting and bullying. I mean I can see them zip tying the pants but to put their picture up takes it to a whole different level. At least to me.

  7. if my childs not being harmed i would be ok with it. coming from parents who didnt have a salary and they worked by the hour.i know that when i went to high school, you would get sent home for wearing clothes that were inappropriate. so many of the students began to dress this way just to get out of class. my junior year they started giving in-school suspension to students. personally coming from parents that didn't have salary paying jobs, i would prefer the school to solve the problem at hand with zip ties because by keeping most students in class was a way of punishment in its self(yes i was one of those kids always trying to find a way out of class). i mean they could hand out suspenders and see which the student prefers HAHA

  8. p.s. i fell in love with your blog from the moment i saw the title :)

  9. who cares if kids wear their pants low? this zip-tie solution is way more distracting than just ignoring it altogether.
